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UAPS’ “Support for African Research and Data Use Capacity Building (AfRes-Data)” programme seeks to strengthen the capacities of African population scientists to generate cutting-edge research to address population and development issues in Africa through capacity development of the next generation of researchers, creating platforms for data use, dissemination, and networking, and increasing Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) capacity and functioning to achieve its mission and objectives. UAPS is committed to building the capacity of a wider net of early career researchers (Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone) and offering them the opportunity to showcase their research on highly visible platforms such as regional conferences or in peer-reviewed journals, including the African Population Studies journal. AfRes-Data supports the development of an early career researcher (ECR) development program for recent doctoral graduates (within three years of graduation) and PhD candidates working on population and development issues in Africa, including FP/SRHR issues, to build a critical mass of ECRs in population studies research and communication.
Cohort 1

Caesar Agula is a doctoral candidate funded by the DAAD at the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana. He has garnered more than ten years of research experience working as a Research Coordinator at RIPS and as a freelance researcher. His area of research interest is population and health nexus, with a focus on maternal and reproductive health.

Dr. Jackson Ndung'u Mwangi is a lecturer at KCA University, Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Education Art, Master of Arts and PhD from Egerton University and Laikipia University Kenya respectively. Although his specialisation is in Social Science, he has a lot of interest in population studies and reproductive health where he has published extensively.

Tchoubou Foba HABIB - Chad
Habib Tchoubou Foba is a PhD scholar in reproductive health at the PAULESI (Pan African University)-University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His research work focuses on the themes of population and health. He has professional experience in the field of statistical consulting with an INGO.

Stephen Okechukwu CHUKWUDEH - Nigeria
Dr. Stephen Okechukwu Chukwudeh is a lecturer at Federal University, Oye-Ekiti Nigeria and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at North-West University, South Africa. He holds a PhD in Sociology with specialization in Demography and Population Studies from the University of Ibadan. His research interest includes Sexual and Reproductive Health, Fertility and Mortality Studies, Slum Studies, WASH Studies and Global Public Health.

Negussie Boti SIDAMO - Ethiopia
Negussie Boti Sidamo is an Assistant Professor in Reproductive Health at the Arba Minch University. His research focuses on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Midwifery and a Master of Public Health all from the Arba Minch University. Currently Negusie is a PhD fellow in Public Health at Woita Sodo University, Ethiopia.

Adebola Afolake ADEJIMI - Nigeria
Adebola Adejimi is a PhD candidate at University of Ibadan, Nigeria with special interest in reproductive and family health. She is also a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Community Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos. Her research focuses on Genital Sampling for the Detection and Typing of HPV among HIV Positive and Negative Women in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.

Rachael Asibi Inze AMWE - Nigeria
Dr. Racheal Asibi Amwe is a Lecturer of disability studies in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Jos, Nigeria. He areas of research includes the education and rehabilitation of persons living with disabilities, sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disability, gender, and disability and the religious and cultural perspectives of disability.

Obasanjo Afolabi BOLARINWA - South Africa
Obasanjo Afolabi Bolarinwa is a public health doctoral candidate at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He holds a first and second degree in Demography and Social Statistics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. Obasanjo’s research focuses on developing social and behavioural interventions to reduce or eliminate health inequalities associated with adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes of adolescent girls and young women in Africa.

Atenchong NGWIBETE - Nigeria
Atenchong Ngwibete is a health professional with interests in NGO/non-profit operations, education, and reproductive health research and is currently a PhD scholar with the PAULESI University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She is passionate about SRHR research in displaced and marginalized populations and seek to improve the SRHR health outcomes for this population.

Roland Jean Elandi Elandi is a statistician – demographer. He is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Institute for Demographic Training and Research (IFORD). He has been involved as Data Analytics in the realization of several projects and studies. As a young researcher his research focuses on gender norms, reproductive health, family planning and demographic dividend modelling.

Felix Chikaike Clement WEKERE - Nigeria
Dr Felix Chikaike Clement Wekere is a medical practitioner, senior specialist and lecturer with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rivers State University/Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is a member of the West African College of Surgeons and other recognized professional bodies; a researcher per excellence and has many publications in both National and International peer-reviewed Journals to his credit.

Everlyne is a lecturer in Research, Epidemiology, Community Health Nursing, and Health Promotion at the School of Nursing and Midwifery of the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology-Kenya. Her research interests are in the areas of Reproductive, Maternal Neonatal Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) and Health systems strengthening.

Ngemani Obase BEKINDAKA - Cameroon
Bekindaka N. Obase, is a PhD candidate at the Pan African University of Life and Earth Sciences Institute (Including Health and agriculture), University of Ibadan Nigeria with a major in reproductive biology. His research area of interest is to understand how HIV infection will influence immune response to malaria among pregnant women.

Lombebo Tagesse, a lecturer and researcher, is a PhD candidate at Addis Ababa University in the Department of Sociology. His holds an MA in sociology, and a BA in Civic and Ethical studies. His research and publications emphasize on health extension program, gender mainstreaming, awareness of migrant female domestics on contraceptive methods, and beggar children as income generators. He has successfully developed a policy recommendation and policy brief on ‘Industry Extension Service Program in Ethiopia.

Kolawolé Rodrigue BABAEKPA - Burkina Faso
Rodrigue Kolawolé Babaekpa is a PhD candidate in demography at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in Burkina Faso. His dissertation focuses on the explanatory factors and response mechanisms of sexual violence against teenagers in the Bougouriba province in Burkina Faso.

Je suis TSOWA Pythagore de TIOSSOK, de nationalité camerounaise. Je suis de la 39ème promotion de l’IFORD et actuellement chercheur dans la même institution. Je suis également chercheur sur les questions de dividende démographique à l’ONG PICHNET Cameroun. Je m’intéresse aux questions de santé de la reproduction et de dividende démographique.

James KANGETHE - Kenya
James Kangethe is an infectious diseases research scientist at the Kenyatta National Hospital and University of Nairobi, Kenya. His research interests are on High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV), and other viral STIs among women living with HIV (WLHIV) in Kenya as well as HPV vaccination among eligible girls (9-14 years) enrolled in HIV care and treatment.
Cohort 2

Annif' Akem FIENNASAH - Cameroon
Bio: Fiennasah Annif’ Akem is a final-year PhD candidate in Development Economics at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. She earned her MSc in Applied Economics from the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon/Université de Rennes 1, France. Akem has presented her research at international conferences, including the International Conference on Population, Poverty and Inequality. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Review of Development Economics and Applied Economics Letters. She is a member of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) network. Her research focuses on demography, marriage markets, gender dynamics, inequality, poverty, and labor market issues.

Dimitri Ngweno DOMBOU - Cameroun
Bio: Dombou Ngweno Dimitri holds a master’s degree in demography from regional demographic research and training institute (IFORD), Cameroon, and master’s degree in Epidemiology from the University of Dschang, Cameroon. His research interests include family planning and reproductive health, maternal and child health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. Dombou is currently involved in research on modeling, Bifurcation Analysis of HIV/AIDS new dynamic models with Age Structure and Diffusion and is a member of the Youth and development Association (JED). Dombou is Data & Analytics Officer on Researcher for New dynamic on HIV/AIDS transmission at the University of Dschang. He is also supporting business development efforts targeting priority countries in the West and Central Africa region.

Love Bukola AYAMOLOWO - Nigeria
Bio: Love Bukola Ayamolowo serves as a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Nursing Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. She is a doctoral student at the Department of Nursing Science, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Her research focuses on Reproductive, Maternal Neonatal Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH), Nursing Informatics, and Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Nissily MUSHANI - Malawi
Bio: Nissily is a Social Scientist Researcher with over eight years of experience in the generation, synthesis, and translation of evidence into policy and program actions. She has played lead roles in various development program design, policy analysis, monitoring, research, and evaluation for various development organizations. She has either worked or consulted for UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank, European Union, Palladium Group, WaterAid, USAID, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), IREX, and the Malawian Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development. Nissily is pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) studies in Development at Maseno University. In addition, she holds a Master’s in Economic Policy Management and a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Malawi.

Elizabeth Tamara Nyirenda MUTAMBO - Zambia
Bio: Elizabeth is a Demographer and Special Research Fellow at the University of Zambia with over 10 years’ experience in teaching, research, project implementation and monitoring and evaluation. She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of the Witwatersrand under the Department of Demography and Population Studies. Her PhD work focuses on understanding the association between Food Security and Sexual Reproductive Health among women of reproductive age in Zambia. Her focus areas of research include maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health and nutrition, fertility and well-being and contemporary demographic issues. She contributes to writing and peer-reviews papers for scientific publications.

Anthony Senanu AGBEVE - Ghana
Bio: Anthony Senanu Agbeve is a doctoral student with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. My research interests focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health Education, Adolescent and Women’s Sexual Health, and Sexuality. With a passion for empowering individuals and communities, he seeks to revolutionize sexual health awareness and education across the Sub-Saharan African Region. By bridging academic insights with societal realities, he envisions fostering a culture of informed decision-making and destigmatizing conversations around sexuality. He also strives to uplift marginalized voices and catalyse positive change in sexual health discourses for a more inclusive society.

Catherine ATAHIGWA - Uganda
Bio: Catherine is a PhD student at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. Her research work focuses on gender inequality, fertility preferences and intersectionality. Catherine is passionate about contributing to the well-being of girls and women, especially in those communities with principal demographic factors that increase their vulnerability such as poverty, poor health, low levels of education, low family support due to gender inequality, and unfavourable geographic locations. She believes epidemiologic research must be motivated by measurable improvements to health access, equity, and outcomes for everyone.

Sultan Hussen HEBO - Ethiopia
Bio: Sultan Hebo is a lecturere of Public Health at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia, is a dynamic individual serving as CEO and co-founder of Alliance College. Currently pursuing a PhD through a joint program with Maastricht University, his research centers on youth sexual and reproductive health, with a primary focus on HIV/AIDS. Dedicated to education, Sultan teaches a graduate-level population study course. With aspirations to become an esteemed academic professor and visionary leader, he strives to make a lasting impact as a social entrepreneur in the realms of education and public health.

Oloruntomiwa Ifedayo OYETUNDE - Nigeria
Bio: Oloruntomiwa Ifedayo Oyetunde is a doctoral student and early career researcher at the Institute of Child Health, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her research interests are in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Wellbeing in slums as well as Social support. She is on the Policy Committee at the International Association for Adolescent Health(IAAH), a member at the Society for Adolescent and Young People's Health in Nigeria(SAYPHIN) as well as a member of the Union of African Populations Studies (UAPS).

Theresia Francis BURA - Tanzania
Bio : Theresia Francis is a demographer and community development skilled. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania. She holds an M.A in Demography and B.A in Rural Development. Her research interests are in the area of reproductive and maternal health, child nutrition, gender violence and health financing.

Matè Alonyenyo LABITE - Togo
Bio: Matè Alonyenyo LABITE holds a degree in International Economics (University of Lomé) and a professional Master's degree in Population and Health from the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP) at the Université Joseph KI-ZERBO in Burkina Faso. He is currently a PhD student in Population Sciences (Demography) at the Université Joseph KI-ZERBO in Burkina Faso and holds an AfRes-Data scholarship. His research focuses on premarital sexuality in West Africa, and more specifically on change and the factors explaining sexuality among young unmarried women over the past 20 years in West Africa.

Abiola Ayokomi AFOLABI - Nigeria
Bio: Abiola is currently a fellow of Capacity Strengthening for Abortion Research in Nigeria (CSARN) and a member of Partnership for Advancing Abortion Research and Reducing Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria (PAARRUAN). She is actively engaged in a global network dedicated to addressing issues of Gender-based violence in institutions of higher learning in Sub-Saharan Africa where she strives to create a safer and more inclusive academic environment. She is propelled to make impactful contributions at the nexus of social justice, rural development, and Health. She is an early career researcher in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development and explores the intersectionality between Sexual and Reproductive Health issues and rural populations.

Andrew Steven KASAMBALA - Tanzania
Bio: Andrew is an Assistant lecturer of history at St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). He attained his first degree of Arts with Education at University of Dodoma before joining SAUT for Master of Arts in History. Currently he is a history PhD candidate at University of Dar es Salaam. His research areas include slave trade and loss of social identities, socio-medical histories and demographic histories focusing on histories and myths around infanticide practices at the southwest of Tanzania from mid nineteenth century to 1961 which marked the end of the British colonial rule in Tanzania.

Eberechukwu Jennifer EZEA - Nigeria
Bio: Eberechukwu Jennifer Ezea is a Population Geography doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Nigeria, Nsukka where she also lectures. She holds B.Sc in Geography and Masters in Environmental Management. She also holds PGD in Education from the Institute of Ecumenical Education, Enugu, Nigeria. Her area of research interest includes migration, fertility, population health and environmental sustainability.

Severin TAMWO - Cameroon
Bio: Sévérin is currently a doctoral student in the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Yaoundé 2-Soa, Cameroon. He holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Yaoundé 2-Soa (Cameroon) and the University of Rennes 1 (France). His main interest is the impact of emigration on African countries.

Stephen Mulinge NDAMBUKI - Kenya
Bio: Stephen is a senior population officer at the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), Kenya and a second year Ph.D. student in population studies under the DAAD Scholars program at the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana. He is a Master of Health Sciences in Reproductive Health from University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His professional interests revolve around research and advocacy on population issues to influence policy direction. Areas of interest include health systems strengthening policy review, maternal and child health, labor migration studies, and political demography.

Sinegugu Nosipho SHONGWE - South Africa
Bio: Sinegugu is a qualified Dental Therapist and have worked in a government hospital for more than 8 years. She pursued my master’s in public health, and currently works at the University of KwaZulu-Natal as a Project Officer and PhD candidate under the DUAL-SAVE FGS project funded by the European Union. She transitioned to Public Health to deepen her understanding of healthcare dynamics. Being in Public Health enables her to address healthcare accessibility in underserved regions and this is driven by her passion for equitable healthcare and transformative research.

Aderonke Oluwaseun KOMOLAFE - Nigeria
Bio: Aderonke is an information and research professional. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Her research interest is in Information behaviour, Knowledge management and Gender. She is a member of the American Library Association, Nigerian Institute of Management, Librarian’s Registration Council of Nigeria and an AfRes-Data ECR Fellow of the Union for African Population Studies. She is a PhD candidate at Babcock University, Nigeria. Aderonke has risen through the ranks professionally and now heads the Information Centre of the Nigerian Law Reform Commission where she manages the Commission’s information resources and services.

Nthabiseng DLAMINI - Nigeria
Bio: Nthabiseng holds a Master of Medical Science (Mmedsci) in Public Health and has worked in a number of different projects, first as a Research Assistant at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Discipline of Public Health Medicine). She is highly experienced in data management and the area of behaviour change, including the development of HIV/AIDS and STI interventions focusing on prevention and gender-based violence prevention. Working in research for 15 years has opened doors. Now pursuing a PhD which will allow her to develop the research and analytical skills necessary to excel in both an academic and industry setting.