Events & News
Vacancy: Bilingual Administrative Assistant
UAPS is recruiting a full-time Administrative Assistant. Working under the overall supervision of the UAPS President and Treasurer, s/he will report directly to the Finance, Grants and Operations Manager and will be based at the UAPS secretariat in Accra, Ghana....
Virtual Seminar on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and Family Planning
The UAPS FP/SRHR Panel is inviting contributions/submissions from researchers, data scientists, and policy actors across Africa to participate in a Virtual Seminar on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and Family Planning on March 1 - 3, 2023. Format: The seminar...
Introducing New UAPS/UEPA Logo
In its 38 years of existence, UAPS has undergone several changes over time while our logo, though distinctive has remained the same. The logo has been difficult to explain to members and the wider audience. Thus, the Council invested in the redesign of the Union's...
Call for Nominations: UAPS Representative for Southern Africa
Dr. Leon Swartz, the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) Regional Representative for Southern Africa passed away on December 21, 2020. Dr Swartz was very committed to the mission of the Union and demonstrated it by serving one full term as Representative...
Workshop on Gender Statistics: Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Gender Statistics for SDG Monitoring in Africa
The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) Gender Working Group organized a workshop on gender statistics to help African countries improve their capacity to monitor progress toward the gender-related Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop was held on 23-25...
Consultancy for Development of Training Curriculum and Implementation of ECR Capacity Building Programme
The Union has recently launched a fellowship programme targeting early career researchers (ECR) working on population and development issues in Africa including Family Planning/Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (FP/SRHR), with the aim of building a critical mass...
Call for Expression of Interest: Scientific Panel on Family Planning/Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (FP/SRHR) Thematic Lead
In addition to the already existent panels, the UAPS Council is establishing an additional panel focused on varying matters related to family planning and sexual reproductive health and rights (FP/SRHR) on the African continent. The panel is expected to be a platform...
Readvertisement I Editorial Assistant for the Journal for African Population Studies
UAPS seeks to recruit a full-time bilingual Editorial Assistant for an initial period of 24 months for the Journal of African Population Studies/Revue des Etudes de la Population Africaine, a bilingual journal [English and French] published twice a year, with...
Call for applications: Support for African Research and Data (AfRes-Data) Fellowship for Early Career Researchers
The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2022/2023 cohort of the African Research and Data (AfRes-Data) Fellowship. The fellowship aims to build the capacity of early career researchers (ECRs) in Africa...
The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) is organizing a Members' meeting at the Population Association of America meeting 2022 which is going on at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis hotel, USA. The meeting is being held both in-person and online (hybrid). Details...
Vacancy: Editorial Assistant for the Journal for African Population Studies
UAPS seeks to recruit a full-time bilingual Editorial Assistant for an initial period of 24 months for the Journal of African Population Studies/Revue des Etudes de la Population Africaine, a bilingual journal [English and French] published twice a year, with...
Nomination d’un nouveau rédacteur en chef de la revue « Études de la population africaine »
Le Conseil de l’Union pour l’Etude de la Population Africaine (UEPA) a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination du professeur Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala en tant que nouveau rédacteur en chef de la revue « Étude de la population africaine (EPA) ». Professeur Kandala est...